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High speed tray sealing completely re-invented

With our NEW high speed tray sealing machine, we now have a machine that can seal up to 250 packs per minute in a single lane format.  This makes it the WORLDS most efficient tray sealer. We have developed new technology - SyncroTechnology - and in doing so have addressed all of the areas that can potentially slow a typical tray sealing machine down.  With added precision control and reliability. 

We are continuing to set the standard for tray sealing worldwide.

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With our vast experience in the tray sealing industry, we have been able to identify all of the areas that can potentially slow production down.  Through 4 years of research and development we have addressed each one of them.  Read on to discover how we have innovated our way to success.

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This is the latest in robotic technology and for this type of application a first in the world.

Historically pack movement has required some sort of deceleration or stoppage to position the packs.  At high speeds the pack positioning and accuracy is compromised and ultimately reliability.  With
syncromotion the packs are not required to stop, in fact the packs are accelerated, we do completely the opposite, which seems counter intuitive, but we control the pack all the way through the movement profile and only when stationary do we release the pack.

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The next area to potentially reduce the speed of a tray sealing machine is the stepping belt.  Currently we have to hold the line of awaiting packs whilst the transfer arms collect the stepped packs, and only when they have begun their journey into the sealing position, do the waiting packs continue on to the stepping belt.

This small delay may only take seconds, but collectively with other limitations it can add up to significant amount.

To combat this we have a patented design together with the
syncromotion and we are calling it the syncrowave.

To ensure true continuous controlled movement all tray sealers/ top web sealers which offer optimum flexibility operate intermittently and it causes delays in the upstream process. 


With syncrowave we’re able to synchronise all elements of the moving phases.  We’re able to load and unload a complete cycle of packs whilst not affecting the overall output of the machine

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Sometimes the simplest of ideas are missed.


We currently use transfer arms or fingers to transport packs into and out of our machines.  On our higher output machines the arms can be up to three metres in length making them heavy, cumbersome and difficult to store. And for those which have to change tools regularly for a variety of formats, a laborious task.


With syncrodrive we can transport all pack formats without the need for fingers or arms, no need to adjust the settings to accommodate different depth packs, and the speed of transfer is only limited by the product itself.  Syncrodrive can transport the packs three times faster whilst maintaining optimum accuracy.

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High speed feeding of the film is critical when date coding.  The operating window to code accurately is limited by the start stop nature of tray sealing.  This limit can restrict the overall performance and output of the machine.

With syncroflow the film feed is slowed through the critical coding phase to ensure an accurate and consistent print and then feed at a much higher speed through the film feed replenishment phase.

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miassist is the new operating system for the evolutionS with clear operating visual signals and prompts.

The evolutionS does the thinking for you, the machine is always set to the optimum output possible.  Using miassist the machine intuitively adapts the rate of operation to suit the rate that the product is being fed, reducing bottlenecks, simplifying the operation and maximising the machine output.

To provide operator awareness the evolutionS uses intelligent lighting.  miassist controls a sequence of lighting options which inform the line operator of the machine status.  The complete machine is green when operating, yellow when idle awaiting product and red when stopped.  If a specific area has failed or a safety guard has been broken then the machine will intelligently flash in the location of the fault.  To help with machine maintenance or to illuminate an isolated area for tool changes the lights can be changed to Maintenance Mode, a bright white setting which aids visibility.

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Take a look through our EvolutionS brochure

For more information on our NEWEST tray sealing machine contact us here at Packaging Automation on

+44 (0) 1565 756 555 and we will be happy to help you.

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